Saturday, March 24, 2012

Subject: Confidential Online Survey for those with Hep C/Genotype 1

Subject: Confidential Online Survey for those with Hep C/Genotype 1

A $25 donation made to HEALS for taking the survey

FACP /HEALS of the South Find a Cure Panel specializes in patient research for serious diseases including Hep C.

And they have a current anonymous online survey for those who Hep C.

To qualify you must:

1) Have HEP C รข€“ have a current diagnosis (ie. NOT cured the virus)

2) Live in the US

3) Be Genotype 1

4) You can be on meds; not on meds currently or never on meds. If you are in process of curing the virus, you will still qualify as long as you have not officially cured it.

If you complete the survey, FACP will donate $25 to HEALS.

Please click on this link to access the survey.

You will be asked to register for FACP which takes 1 minute then swung into the main survey. The data in the FACP profile is NOT connected to the main survey. Your participation in this survey and all subsequent surveys is completely anonymous. If you have already registered for FACP, you will have already received an email invitation from them.

If you have any questions about participating, please contact FACP directly at:


Hi Everyone. I just completed the survey and it did take about 1/2 hour but H.E.A.L.S would very much appreciate it if those of you that are geno 1's would PLEASE take the time to do the survey and Help H.E.A.L.S Help Others with the $25 donation they will give to H.E.A.L.S.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

Also please feel free to pass forward to anyone you know that would qualify and THANK YOU!